From Paper to Code: A Guide to Implement Research

This guide covers effective reading, model implementation, code validation, and the power of repetition.

Ahad Jawaid


June 5, 2023


Recently, I’ve been diving into the practice of implementing deep learning research papers. This post is designed to guide you through this process, sharing my key insights along the way.

Starting with an independent study course at university, I explored deep learning intensively. To streamline the journey of understanding and implementing such papers, I’ve distilled the process into four steps:

Let’s break each one down.


Reading a research paper should be focused on understanding the process rather than memorizing details. Pay attention to the inputs, outputs, data transformations, and assumptions.

To expedite the reading process, it helps to know where to find necessary details. Typically, the most crucial sections in a research paper are:

  1. Abstract
    • Provides a broad understanding of the paper and its relevance.
  2. Figures
    • Often encapsulate the paper’s content and are valuable for understanding the model’s workings. However, ensure their accuracy by cross-referencing the textual content.
  3. Introduction
    • Highlights the paper’s novelty or significance.
  4. Architecture (Can go by other names)
    • Contains detailed descriptions of the architecture (usually where most of your time will be spent).
  5. Training
    • Provides hyperparameters for training, model performance, and other essential information.
  6. The appendix
    • Often contains implementation details not fitting into the main paper’s flow.
  7. Experiements (Optional)
    • Can include important data and parameters used for model training.


During implementation, the key is not to get overwhelmed by the complexity of the task. Instead, focus on the components you understand, and incrementally build upon them. It’s okay if your code isn’t flawless initially; revisions can be made as you progress.


Post-implementation, validate your code. Use libraries like matplotlib to visualize the outputs, or tools like pytest to perform tests. Working in an interactive environment like a jupyter notebook can also be helpful.


The key to successful implementation is repetition. Even if you start slowly, your pace will increase as you build your knowledge and develop better abstractions. This process also improves your programming skills.


In summary, the methodology I formulated and the key lessons I learned during my initial experience implementing a research paper can be encapsulated in four words: read, implement, visualize, and repeat. I hope you find this post beneficial, and I welcome any feedback or suggestions you might have. Thank you!

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